You are here: Guetersloh » SmoKe » IngoWetzel
Dear class!

It took some time before I was able to get access to the internet, please excuse me sending this message so late. Of course, there are good reasons for me not being able to write mails or enter the Wiki. There are also good reasons for leaving your school so suddenly.

In fact I got a job offer that I simply couldn't refuse. The German "Realschule" in Windhuk, Namibia offered me a job as a German and PE teacher. You may know that Namibia formerly belonged to the German colonies, that's why so many Germans still live down there and they permanently look for teachers.

My main job here, apart from the regular teaching at school,is to supervise the construction of football pitches, quite difficult with all the dunes around... But after all it's a job, not too well paid, but prices down here aren't that high. And Namibia is definitely worth a visit! With all the wildlife, and the fantastic deserts it's a great place to stay.

I'm sorry I wasn't able to tell you in advance, but I simply couldn't! Since it was a "start within three days or leave it" - offer, I had to book the flight immediately and couldn't even say Goodbye to you. I'm doing this now! It was a pleasure to work with you, and I really think that your projects (and as Mrs. Bansmann informed me your presentations, too)are of very good quality and style. If you continue creating products of such a high standard you will certainly succeed in the 'Oberstufe', no doubt about that!

Before I try to attach a recent photo from the Namib desert, one last thing. I'll be back in Germany for a few days in mid-February planning to pop by your school the 13th. I hope to see you then!

Take care of yourselves!

Ingo Wetzel


Hallo Herr Wetzel, sie lügen! Sie gehen gar nicht nach NAmibia:-) wie gefällt ihnen die Arbeit an der neuen Schule wir hoffen die Schüler sind so nett wie wir... ihre Klasse 10d -- IngoWetzel - 03 Feb 2004

Hello, dear 10d! You're calling me a liar??? Let's say, I was exaggerating the truth a little bit... The new school's fine, though. I'm working with young kids, forms 5 and 6. And of course, they are not as nice and friendly and easy to handle as your lot was... smile By the way: After the summer holidays I'll go back to Germany, starting a permanent job at a "Gesamtschule" in Lemgo. I'll be around at your school for the "Sportfest", at least that's the plan. Hoping to meet you then! Take care of yourselves!

Ingo Wetzel
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Seite genereriert um 06 Jan 2025 - 21:50
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