Ruby and Felicity McNutt Ruby McNutt, played by Stockard Channing, is Auggie Wren’s past flame. She has blond hair and is pretty. Ruby is about 40-50 years old. She’s independent and responsible, because she asked Auggie for help although she found it a bit embarrassing. Ruby has a daughter called Felicity McNutt whose father is maybe Auggie Wren. Felicity, played by Ashley Judd, looks dowdy although she is actual pretty. She has blond hair like her mother and lives with her boyfriend in a tumbledown shanty filled with full of smoke in Brooklyn. Felicity had got over an abortion. Ruby is worrying about her daughter, because she is addicted to drugs. Ruby wants Felicity to leave her boyfriend and to get a better standard of living, but Felicity doesn’t give a damn on what her mothers saying. In the beginning of the film Ruby tries to help her daughter, but in the end she gives up helping her daughter and wants to start a better life with the money she got from Auggie Wren.
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