-- JannikHelmsorig - 15 Dec 2003

Smoking in the USA

General Information

* Marlboro:

Although there are a several big Tobacco concerns in whose advertising cowboys are shown who are smoking in the desert of Utah, cigarettes are more frowned in the USA than in other countries. The first impression you get is, that there are at least as much smoker than in other countries. According official investigations, mostly made by Institutions that are working close to Anti- Smoking- Campaigns, there only 25% Smokers. At Universities are 4-5% more. This looks like a minority but if you walk along the street, look to an outdoor coffee shop or in cars you wouldn’t acknowledge this.

Smoking in the public

In the public smokers are isolated. Smoking is forbidden at lots of places. You won’t find a public building where you are allowed to smoke. It is also forbidden at the work in a big bureau. Because of this lots of employees are standing out on the street and are smoking.

Smoking in the restaurant

* anti-smoking-diploma:

Restaurants have different places but the part of Non-smoking places is bigger that the part of Smoking places. Also the Non-smoking are often the better. You find the smoking places in signed areas. If you go to a restaurant you are asked if you want a smoking or a non-smoking place (“Smoking or Non-Smoking”). . If you go to a restaurant you are asked if you want a smoking or a non-smoking place (“Smoking or Non-Smoking”). Saloons or Pubs etc. are mostly no Restaurant area. This means if you want to smoke you can.

Differences between the states

In some states smoking is easier handled than in other: A good example is California; Exceptions are public buildings. California behaves very inconsistent: On the one hand the whole state is very sportive and healthy orientated on the other you can see smoker everywhere you go. This is hard to understand if you see the extreme high prices on tobacco ($5-6 a pack). That are the highest prices in the whole nation and they are only beaten by NYC where a pack costs $7 or more.

Example NYC

Since mayor Bloomberg and the beginning of the year 2002 there are massive Anti-Smoking Campaigns and even in Saloons, Pubs and Restaurant are harder conditions – it is nearly forbidden. The gastronomy has protested until without any success.Every night there are 120 special officers checking 25000 Bars on smoking. At the first time, the manager has to pay $200. At the second time, he has to pay $2000. At the third time, he has to give up hi liscense.


In some Airports there are rooms that are signed as smoking lounges often connected with a gastronomic facility, but not in general. You can expect to meet every smoker in the whole airport to be there. So the air is very bad. In general you have to buy a drink to get the permission to be there. Otherwise the Airport pub would soon become a Waiting lounge.

Smoking in an Aircraft

* smoking in an aircraft2:

* smoking in an aircraft:

While transatlantic flights you are not supposed to smoke at any airline. The same conditions are in flights inside the USA (Except Condorflights). If this flights are not done in a Lufthansa Aircraft the airline still offers smoking places in the economy class.

Smoking in the gastronomy

In Motels or Hotels there are mostly no problems to smoke. Nearly every building offers smoking rooms. That are never the newest and finest rooms. If it isn’t a problem for you to smoke outside you should better take a non-smoking room. The Smoking in Non-Smoking rooms is severe forbidden. Otherwise it costs for a intensive cleaning of the room up to $1500 additional.

Price comparison

Cigarettes have no standardised price in the USA. They have different prices in every shop you go. The prices are as different as the offer of different sorts. Nevertheless it’s cheaper to by a whole carton of cigarettes than only a pack. The differences between the prices can also be found between the different States. It’s amazing how cheap tobacco is for example in Florida ( there you can by a carton of cigarettes for less the $20). In Indian-reservations you can find, so called, Smoker-Shops along the highway (big signs along the road want to win customers). The prices in these shops don’t be always worth it. Prices for carton of cigarettes costs between $20-$26. Some of these shops have special offers: That means a special sort of cigarettes is on a special day cheaper than the others.

Why are the Americans are mostly Non-smokers?

In some areas like California, Texas, Colorado, South Dakota and especially NYC the people are very focused on their health. Another reason is the small production of cigarettes. After a great process, in which an American, who got lung cancer, sued Phillip Morris, a big American Tobacco concern, other concerns reduced their production. A smaller offer means a smaller consume and so lots of Americans stopped smoking. The American won the process because there were no signs on the packs that warned him of the dangers of smoking. There have been a lot more process like this, mostly won by the plaintiffs.

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