Auggie Wren’s Christmas Story (summary) The short story “Auggie Wren’s Christmas Story” written by the American author Paul Auster is a story which has two plots. On the one hand, it’s a story about the relationship between Auggie and the I-narrator and on the other hand it’s a story about Granny Ethel and her grandson Robert. Auggie Wren is the main character in this story. He works behind the counter of a cigar store. The I-narrator comes every day into the shop and buys his cigarettes. He is a customer like everyone else until Auggie recognizes that the I-narrator is a famous author. That’s why Auggie’s opinion of him changes and Auggie shows him his project: over 4000 pictures. Auggie took every day at the same time a picture of the same place since 12 years. While going through the pictures for the first time, the I-narrator doesn’t understand the sense of this project. But when Auggie tells him that he has to slow down when he wants to get it, he realizes that there aren’t only pictures. He begins to pay closer attention to the details. The pictures show the change of the place, the different people and the differences in the seasons. The second plot is a story which Auggie tells the I-narrator. It’s a story about Auggie, Granny Ethel and Auggie’s camera. Auggie finds the pocket of a shoplifter. He wants to bring it to him on Christmas Eve, but the boy isn’t at home. There is only his grandma Ethel who asks Auggie if he’s her grandson. Auggie says yes and they celebrate Christmas together. They both know that they only play a game, but if they wouldn’t do that, they would be alone on Christmas. That’s why they sit together in the living room of granny Ethel’s flat and eat a turkey Auggie has cooked. After a while, Auggie has to go to the toilet. There he finds lots of cameras. He believes that they must be stolen as well, so he wants to have one of them. When he goes back into the living room, granny Ethes is fallen to sleep. Auggie washes the dishes and goes home - with the camera.
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