Worum geht es?
Es gibt für iOS-Geräte externe Buttons, die per Bluetooth mit dem Gerät kommunizieren und Funktionen auslösen. U.a. existieren externe Homebuttons, die sich zum Aktivieren von Siri nutzen lassen. Seit iOS 10 scheint dies aber nicht mehr zu funktionieren.
Diskussion im Supportforum von Apple
Does anyone experience the problem of the Bluetooth Keyboard Home button in iOS 10?
If you pair a new Bluetooth Keyboard, the Home button of the keyboard works fine at that moment. However, if you disconnect the keyboard, lock the iOS screen, then reconnect the Bluetooth keyboard. The Home button of the BT keyboard can only wake the screen up. It cannot trigger Siri anymore.
I tested the following keyboards and button, they all have the same problem! The same scenario works fine in iOS 9 or earlier versions.
- Logitech K760
- Logitech K811
- Microsoft Universal Foldable Keyboard (Model 1695)
- Satechi iOS BT Home Button
Hersteller Satechi bestätigt das Problem
Subject: Siri problem
OCT 11, 2016 | 11:26AM PDT
Alex replied:
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. The issue is due Apple’s most recent iOS update and we are aware of this. We work closely with our developers to maintain the compatibility of our devices, which you can understand, can take some time.
We have contacted Apple to help resolve this issue and are awaiting a response. Your email has been added to our list to receive updates for the BT Home Button. We’ll email you when we receive an update from Apple. I appreciate your patience and understanding while we work to resolve these issues
Thank you,
Satechi Technical Support
Unbeantwortete Frage im Developer Forum
functionality in question: the ability to launch siri via a third party bluetooth home button. One particular product that took advantage of this functionality was the Satechi Home Button. iOS9 had this functionality, and then apparently it was removed in iOS10. Will we see this functionality return to iOS11?
Thanks so much!
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