Verify Position-Problem with external Cameras in Mapillary
What's the problem?
My Mapillary app (iOS) crashes on my iPad (iPad Air 2) and on my iPhone (iPhone SE) every time I try to upload images from my external cameras. The app crashes in the process of verifying the position of a sequence.
At the moment I have about 15'000 images waiting for upload on two devices. I'm not motivated to take any further images because I cannot upload them.
done so far
- restarted app
- rebooted device
- tried with a second device
- contacted support (first time: August 2019)
With the help of
iMazing I was able to extract all (?) data of the mapillary app from my iPhone (59 GB):
Folder structure of the mapillary app data:
- cameras
- externalcamera1
- history.json: pair_of(image_name, time_stamp)
- externalcamera2
- history.json: pair_of(image_name, time_stamp)
- iphone
- local
- featureFeed: ? (2MB) (Feb 19)
- userFeed: ? (41 kB) (Oct 19)
- userUploads: ? (31 MB) (June 19)
- mapillary
- sequences
- a folder for every sequence: all images and all thumbs
Wo stehe ich grade?
- in der Datei
finde ich zu jeder Bilddatei einen Zeitstempel. Nun suche ich noch die Verbindung zur Position.
BeatDoebeli - 20 Oct 2019
Stand Mai 2020
Auch jetzt immer noch Abstürze beim Uploaden der Bilder. Darum am 17.05.2020 auf dem iPad die App komplett gelöscht und frisch installiert.