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The elements of Didactic Process Maps

15 August 2006 - 10:31 | Version 1 |

To describe and discuss about learning scenarios a common domain specific language is needed. In his paper Overscripting CSCL (Biblionetz:t02367) Pierre Dillenbourg (Biblionetz:p01285) proposes such a language called collaboration script:
  • A collaboration consists of sequential phases.
  • Each phase is described with five attributes: task, mode of interaction, group, timing, distribution.
Dillenbourgs definition of collaboration scripts is very detailed if not exhaustive. I haven't seen a single example of a learning scenario as a collaboration script.

For synchronous discussions in groups, something simpler is needed. While Preparing the Wikisym Workshop Michele and I developed a mix od flow-chart and petri-net like description of learning scenarios. Interesting try, but very ugly-looking (100% computer science look).

At the moment, the visual language consists of the following elements:


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